Monday, November 11, 2019

More than 600 Box Tops from the 6th Graders

TLDR: The 6th graders tore away with the top count of Box Tops to earn an extended lunch period. The DMS PTA collected $171.50 in redeemable Box Tops this fall.

My apologies if you have been waiting for the long overdue results of the PTA's fall Box Tops collection. Firstly, thank you to all of the parents who went out of their way to buy General Mills' products and preserve enough of the packaging that we might have been able to harvest the Box Tops label.

Hands down, the 6th graders at DMS handed the 7th and 8 graders their proverbial you-know-what's by delivering almost 3x as many unexpired Box Tops. Without question, the 6th graders have earned their award of an extended lunch period.

You can click on the image to enlarge it.

All told, the DMS PTA collected $171.50 in redeemable Box Tops this fall. If you are trying to do the math using the charts above, it won't work because we received several instances of Box Tops donations that were anonymous.

One significant donation that was not anonymous was that of First Evangelical Lutheran Church at the corner of Chatham and Frederick Road. Their faith community directed 371 Box Tops (or $37.10) to DMS this fall. Please be sure to thank any of your friends or neighbors who may worship there.

Again, a sincere thank you to the 27 DMS families who participated this fall in the Box Tops collection. I look forward to positing theories and speculations about ways to improve our Box Tops fundraising in future blog posts. Until then, be sure to keep clipping the remaining labels you see, as well as, getting familiar with using the Box Tops mobile app.